Saturday, October 28, 2017

The First Transfer (September 4th - October 18th 2017)

To begin a transfer is a period of six weeks. In these six weeks, you serve with a companion whose gender is the same as yours, and you work as a missionary in a specific Geographical area. This area is within a District Leader's assigned area, which is also within a zone which the Zone leaders control, which is in a Mission that is controlled by the Mission President. I was called to serve in the [deleted] , comprising of [deleted]. The first thing to know about the 'field' in mission work, is that the companion you serve with will either make or break your transfer. It is not uncommon to server multiple transfers with the same companion in the same area. The other thing about missionary work you should know, is that the only time the president knows what you are doing, is if your leaders catch you, or you snitch or tell him. This makes for interesting results.

In my first transfer my trainer, essentially a coach my same age was a District leader. This is interesting becauase often times, the leaders are less obedient than the lower down missionaries. I have already seen my zone leaders break rules left and right even worse than my district leader. As far as where I'm serving, I served in a little town, 10/10 would visit. 2/10 would stay.

I'll admit to not liking the Missionary lifestyle. I was a heavy smoker/vaper before my mission. I also had a not so clean mouth, and spent a large portion of my time on video games. I enjoy those things, and I enjoy making my own decisions without having to answer to someone about it. You never make it far without being in sight of your companion. The only times I would be able to break a rule is when my companion would be in the bathroom, or otherwise busy with a leadership task. I do not condone breaking rules, but, I don't like them. Really, I am still new to missionary work, and I have yet to really see all the little bits and pieces work together. I will explain in better detail at some other time. Really, just writing a blog is against the mission rules. Let alone, checking that blog on an ipod touch I smuggled in. Maybe sometime in the future, that'll finally be allowed.

If you have never served a mission before, there are lots of little rules that come up. Things like a curfew, wake up times, and general things. For example, we must get up every morning at 6:30am, and be in bed by 10:30 every night. We are also only supposed to communicate back home with email, not Google hangouts, not skype, only email that is filtered by the church. This makes things hard if you want some extra support. Most companions are okay with 'emergency' emails. But sometimes you don't always get lucky. And sometimes you will not always have wifi in your apartment/house. It's a luxury to have wifi at your apartment. Part of me thinks that the church doesn't hand out wifi because missionaries will get lazy. Which they are correct on. Once we got wifi in our apartment from a more than happy to help catholic father (bless him, he is a great man.) we got lazier and lazier.

Besides that, the first transfer was not too eventful.

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