Saturday, October 28, 2017

Terms and Jargon for LDS missionaries

It occurred to me that I might use abbreviations or Jargon that may not be familiar to those who have never served a mission, let alone who are Mormon here are some that I think you may not be familiar with...

LDS = Latter Day Saint
ZL = Zone Leader  (Missionary leader who runs and reports on a zone which is further divided into districts.)
DL = District Leader ( missionary Leader who runs and reports on a district who is made of companionships)
Companionship = Two missionaries who serve together
SC = Senior Companion (The Missionary who makes the executive decisions for the companionship)
JC = Junior Companion (The Missionary who tags along and supports the SC)
MCM = Missionary Correlation Meeting (meeting between missionaries and the ward mission leader and ward missionaries)
Ward missionary = Essentially a member of a local branch or ward who helps with the 'work'
Ward/branch = Local congregation (branches are smaller)
Stake = Collection of wards and branches
AP = President's assistants (pretty much runs errands and does things for the president if he is too busy.)
Contraband = Essentially any item or media that is discouraged or banned from the mission for example Bull whips, ipods.
Trunky = A missionary who is especially anxious to go home ("he has already packed his trunk.")
Apostate = someone who has 'fallen' from the church
WML = Ward mission leader
Investigator = ('gator) An individual who is being taught by the missionaries
MP = Mission President

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